Strategic Demands are Environmental Security Demands
Environmental Security Demands are Strategic Demands
Environmental Protection > Environmental Security
Environmental Security, National Security
New Definitions of Security @StratDem
Bill Nelson, Administrator of NASA, 2023
ClimatePolicy360 Action Plans
Via Strategic Demands’ Associate — GreenPolicy360
GreenPolicy360: Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative
Methods to Enforce Climate Plan Pledges
Pressuring Nations to Step Up, Cooperate, and Act Now
Environmental Laws, Regulations & Rules… Lawsuits & Legal Actions
Glasgow (2021) & Paris (2015) Summits: Int’l Climate Plan Pledges & Promises (INDCs-NDCs)
Imminent Threats, Near-term, Long-term
International Climate Cooperation Lost Under the Trump Administration
New Nuclear Arms Race as Nuclear Weapons Treaties Collapse
Overarching #StrategicDemands
“New Definitions of National Security” @ StrategicDemands & GreenPolicy360
Strategic Connections — National Security & Environmental Security
Earth Science Missions in Space
Global Environmental Security
Visit Strategic Demands’ associate, GreenPolicy360
“New Space” w/ participation of Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists around the world
Planet Citizens / 360 Perspective
Military and Climate Security Budgets
A Comparison
“The federal government hasn’t produced a climate security budget since 2013.”
“In Combat vs. Climate, the Institute for Policy Studies provides an assessment of a climate change security budget, drawing data from multiple agencies.”
Center for Climate & Security
On the Record: Climate as a Security Risk
Geopolitical Friction over Oil/Gas Resources Adds New Risks to Volatile Change
Environmental Security/National Security
Environmental Issues: Responding to Conflicts
Environment, Conflict, and Cooperation Factbook/Intro
Interactive knowledge platform for policymakers and the public to discuss ideas, research, and practical experiences on climate change and conflict.

Global Security Issues: Cooperation
Climate Agreement Signing at the United Nations
Click on the Map for the Latest Country-by-Country News
Paris Climate Agreement Tracker / CAIT Climate Data Explorer
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The Trump Administration Moves to Deeply Cut NASA/NOAA/EPA
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Fundamental Security Questions
Advancing Earth-Research from Space
National Security ≡ Environmental Security
A 21st Century Challenge / Strategic Demands, in association with GreenPolicy360, addresses National Security as integral to environmental security. Our work focuses on three strategic currents:
- Environmental Security — enabled by the developing global Internet — connecting and bringing together online “netizens”, science and political ideas; re-defining security concepts and goals
- Environmental Security — an interdisciplinary scientific venture — challenging traditional disciplines; addressing climate change/global warming, biosphere sustainability, and related threat environments; demanding solutions across national borders
- Environmental Security — integrally connected to Earth exploration — creating next generation Earth Science with advanced technology, Earth systems observation, monitoring and data analysis; NASA and European Space Agency coordinated research; “New Space” companies and Planet APIs, space-earth ventures and open data sharing… new definitions of security, new best business practices, new concepts of national/global citizenship.
PlanetCitizen > PlanetCitizens > Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists
Strategic Demands urges Earth monitoring science be ‘rapidly deployed’ to evaluate and provide policy recommendations for essential national and global Environmental Security.
Recent scientific studies have identified a widening range of threats, and threat multipliers. The threat horizon extends across national borders, connecting countries with mutual security interests. ‘Existential’ questions have become a first-order, actionable priority.
#EarthScience from space should have a distinctly critical role in security policy. A shift of emphasis from first-generation command-and-control military and communication applications in space is in process, as demonstrated by newly launched earth-facing programs, earth resource baselines, and acquiring data for #biosphere monitoring and wide-spectrum Environmental Security assessments.
Global Security / “Thin Blue”
From Strategic Demand’s associate — GreenPolicy360
● New Definitions of National Security
● Environmental Security, National Security
● Earth Science Research from Space
An Overview
360° POV
“Razor thin” / A Thin Blue Layer / #ThinBlue
Update: May 2015 / Severe Cuts to NASA Earth Science programs proposed
As an unprecedented array of earth monitoring satellites are launched, a Republican faction of the US Congress moves to undercut vitally important national security work of NASA
“A phenomenally productive year” — NASA-JPL News
“Over the past 12 months NASA has added five missions to its orbiting Earth-observing fleet – the biggest one-year increase in more than a decade…”
“Strategic, global security missions”
NASA Earth Now / NASA Climate /
NASA opens a new era in its exploration of our home planet with the launch of the first in a series of #EarthScience instruments to the International Space Station.
New earth-observing array of instruments will be ”exterior mounted” on the #ISS. ISS-RapidScat will monitor ocean winds for climate research, weather predictions and hurricane monitoring. The second instrument, the laser Cloud-Aerosol Transport System (CATS), will measure clouds and location and distribution of pollution, dust, smoke, and other particulates in the atmosphere. #RapidScat #ISS Climate Mission #EarthRightNow
OCO-2 Orbiting Carbon Observatory continues on its historic mission
What monitoring a potential existential crisis looks like … OCO-2
OCO-2 with ‘A-Train’ courtesy of NASA
Environmental Security / Earth Science
Strategic Demands envisions Environmental Security as an integral, essential security concern within the multi-trillion dollar funded traditional fields of national security.
Classic military doctrines are now challenged by a new foe, a foe that is neither a rival nation, ideology, or asymmetrical force. This new threat on the horizon challenges all nations and all people. This threat requires new ways of seeing, new ways of gathering intelligence, whether signals (SIGINT), electronic (ELINT), and/or human (HUMINT). The threats are human-caused and naturally occurring and require new spectra of strategic solutions, local and global tactics, coordinated actions and a yet-to-be-developed revision of classical economic thought.
In this security policy endeavor, Strategic Demands is developing “new definitions of national security“, global and local security. We see an integrated system requiring integral ecology. Our background urges a vision that comes from an understanding of #Earth360 concerns, even as we face and speak to the quotidian realities of geo-politics and on-the-ground conflict and strategic needs.
ln alignment with our Environmental and National Security initiatives, StratDem supports the following think-tanks and organizations in their work to define, support, enhance and extend the developing field of Environmental Security
Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security
Institute for Environmental Security
Sustainable Security
Truman National Security Project (Clean Energy Campaign)
Wilson Center – Environmental Change and Security Program / Wilson New Security Updates
New Definitions of National & Global Security
Visit Strategic Demands Associated Research & Policy Group