January 20, 2025 / Inauguration Day / Again the United States and nations of the world have a US President/Commander-in-Chief who has a penchant for threats accompanied by dis- and mis-information, “hell to pay” military rumbling, and behavior far beyond norms of civility. What could possibly go wrong with this scenario? #SingularAuthority
There’s Nothing Between an Unstable President and the Nuclear Button
* https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/03/18/united-states-nuclear-weapons-president-deterrence-law/
The U.S. nuclear arsenal should not be under the control of one person. No decision of one person should be able to initiate nuclear weapons conflict and potentially a humanity-ending nuclear war. Humanity is at a precipice, we need to draw back from the brink of disaster
* https://strategicdemands.com/?s=singular+authority
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