CBS-moderated US Democratic presidential debate ends without one question being asked about the existential Climate Crisis or New Nuclear Arms Race: Questions of existence are not worthy of discussion, it seems, even as a US president denies Climate science and releases huge new nuclear budget featuring nuclear pits ‘n triggers for new ‘usable’ nukes
Month: February 2020
The Threat the US President Denies is Real
It is the proverbial ‘elephant in the room’ or, to put it in other terms, it is the ‘dinosaur in the room’, the oil and gas, the security threat in the Middle East oil region, and the ‘no see ums’, an accumulating fossil fuels debt that is coming due for our generation and coming generations
Announced End to US War in Afghanistan
(Update – Signing of agreement on Feb. 29, 2020 – Additional details to follow) The news of on again, off again talks and meetings between Afghan Taliban forces and the US seems to signal the latest truce will be followed by an agreement for US withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. The war operation began with […]
New Start, New Nukes, New Threats
Nuclear weapons brinksmenship has a new cold war player. Forgotten collective memory. The collective intelligence of the world’s nations has forgotten the lessons of the Cold War. A new Cold War 2.0 is heating up, everyday and like Global Warming, the existential threat is created by us