Take time out from the daily news cycle and read, listen, or watch as Annie Jacobsen brings her nuclear war story and deep research into a deep, dark world of #NuclearWarPlanners, the #EndofTimes, and the #EndGame
Category: Existential Threat
Quick Look at the ToC of StratDem’s Associate, GreenPolicy360
Since the social media app TikTok is in the news, let’s talk about our associate, GreenPolicy360’s TocToc. Why not? It’s a Table of Contents, a ToC-a-Lot, and GreenPolicy360 has tens of millions of users globally who’re visiting, using and sharing the Green360-StratDem network
The Temps, The Temps, They Are Rising
Between and during disastrous wars raging with staggering loss of lives and geopolitical moves for land, control, power, religion, there is this… Record tropospheric temperature rise and record sea surface temperature rise. Earth Science is pulsing ‘danger, danger, danger’…
An Associated Press Story of US Nuclear Modernization
A feature news story by the globally distributed Associated Press (AP) service only begins to touch on a deeper story of nuclear proliferation. Strategic Demands takes a few salient lines from the AP update on US nukes and reminds our readers of what we are now calling a “Nuclear Arms Race 3.0”
Oppenheimer replies to the US charges against him
The following letter is a first-person narrative story that presents the origins of the atomic age and creation of the first nuclear weapon. The Oppenheimer story here, in its telling, also captures the beginning of the Cold War and end of J. Robert Oppenheimer’s career as the US government targets the threat of communism […]
Oppenheimer: The Movie
GreenPolicy360 & Strategic Demands Snapshot of Reviews the Day After Oppenheimer’s Premiere (with a personal memory of a father’s flight over the Trinity site days after ‘the Bomb’ was first tested by Los Alamos scientists) ♦
F-16s and NATO, Russia and US
Years of failed negotiations between the Russian Federation, NATO, EU and US that led to war in Ukraine has entered a next phase. Not a new phase, but a ‘next phase’. The delivery of F-16 fighter systems delivers a next level of fear and loathing — and more that is not in the open
Nuclear Arms Race 3.0
A multi-billion dollar ‘modernization’ of US nuclear weapons delivered an unsurprising ‘next gen’ nuclear arms race. Strategic Demands called this a “Cold War 2.0”. Now, with threats and an announced ‘suspension’ of the New START treaty, the final remaining nuclear weapons agreement is foreclosed. A “Nuclear Arms Race 3.0” commences
A Nuclear Ticking Clock
The Doomsday Clock, first unveiled in the late 1940s when atomic scientists who built the first nuclear weapons were having second thoughts, is now closer to a midnight of disaster than ever before. We’ve arrived, humanity has arrived. The clock’s hands of fate display we’re on the brink of paroxysm and unimaginable cataclysm
Another Global Climate Conference, 27th Version
Will this gathering of nations focus on environmental protection, “new definitions of national security”, planetary awareness we’ve been pushing since the 1970s, an environmental security pursued after an eye-opening ‘Earthrise’, a first ‘Whole Earth’ vision, and a first Earth Day… Questions abound at the 27th global climate conference with thousands of attendees
Nuclear war, famine, starvation
Nuke Science & Nuked News Smoke from burning cities would engulf Earth, causing worldwide crop failures Even a ‘small’ conflict in which two nations unleash nuclear weapons on each other could lead to worldwide famine, new research suggests. Soot from burning cities would encircle the planet and cool it by reflecting sunlight back […]
Flashback to ‘Time Enough at Last’
Burgess Meredith, the actor, in a classic Rod Serling ‘Twilight Zone’ … Henry was in the vault when the Bombs hit …. the story becomes relevant again as Russian media reports bellicose nuclear threats to turn the U.S. into ‘radioactive ash’ … today, a foreboding calculus of nuclear weapons escalates far beyond the Russian-Ukraine war […]
Quotes: Rattling & Ratcheting Nukes
A moment last fall in the Moscow press talked of turning the U.S. into a ash wasteland, the result of Russian nuclear weapons. This carryover from the first Cold War (call it 1.0) has bestowed another level of Mutually Assured Destruction to today’s new Nuclear MAD, a Cold War 2.0 getting hotter day by day…
Eyes On the Global Security Threat
This is no time for equivocation. The ‘West v East’ war (not “special operation” as Russia calls their invasion of Ukraine) is a tragedy. The Putin decision to invade Ukraine is disastrous — humanly, strategically, morally, politically — and for year to come will be seen for what it is — a preventable disaster
Biden’s (and the World’s) Imperiled Climate Agenda
Today, April 1st, we witness the horror of a war in Ukraine — another war that has delivered a profound, grievous setback to humanity’s need for mutual security in an existential nuclear era compounded by climate crisis
United Nations 6th Climate Assessment – Part 2
Dire climate news from tens of thousands of science studies… UN’s 6th Assessment in 3 parts: August 2021, ‘How the climate is changing’; February 2022, ‘What are the climate impacts? How can we adapt and act now to make a difference?’ Coming March 2022, ‘Solutions to slow impacts of climate change’
Another Perspective on Ukraine-Russia and What Comes Next
Perspective is essential in understanding causes of war — and roads to peace. Strategic Demands strives in our work to see security, and mutual security, with a realistic perspective. Here, Anatol Lieven, brings a “Responsible Statecraft” perspective…