Coronavirus politics… between now and the November 3 election in the U.S. the wheels will turn, hundreds of millions, a billion plus, will be spent. Prepare for a daily news cycle of blame game, recriminations, politics of division — political division, national division, international division. Time for attack politics, war room politics
Category: COVID-19
Coronavirus, Global Data Dashboard
Again, we point at the challenge of front-line reporting, data intelligence, wide and targeted testing to monitor the spread of the new Coronavirus. Government decision-makers must manage policies and guidance based upon essential data. Measuring & monitoring the virus data is the key to managing the pandemic
Testing for the Virus
Pandemic. The threat is real. The novel Coronavirus / COVID-19 continues infecting populations across the nations of the world. As people isolate and economies shut down an admonition comes to mind. We need extensive testing to effectively measure, monitor and manage this disease