The Virus & Politics

Coronavirus politics… between now and the November 3 election in the U.S. the wheels will turn, hundreds of millions, a billion plus, will be spent. Prepare for a daily news cycle of blame game, recriminations, politics of division — political division, national division, international division. Time for attack politics, war room politics

The 2020 campaign has commenced. The strategies of President Trump and his campaign manager Brad Parscale that aimed at running on the economy, rallies, daily/weekly media coverage ala 2016, and reinforced by database microtargeting and hard ball Fox new delivery, are all in jeopardy as the Virus, Coronavirus, races across borders.


The Democratic Party has far to go with Joe Biden, a party base questioning his candidacy and ability to match up with the Trump campaign’s proven firepower, emotion, money, and technology mobilizing its base.


A shadow digital campaign may prove decisive in 2020


Now comes the new US presidential campaign, ready or not.


Old themes, party politics, divisiveness, blame game, anger, national and international conflict.

And get used to hearing the word — the word is Wuhan.















Update / May 3