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SpaceX, Starship, Starlink, Starshield… and Next Gen US Space Capabilities, Surveillance & Supremacy

As Elon Musk becomes a major player in the formation of incoming president Donald Trump’s administration, it’s time to take a moment in time and look at what Musk’s businesses bring to the Republican party’s commander-in-chief.

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Russian Disinformation Targets US

Breaking News presented via Google Wrap Up: After the 2016 US election documented a “Great Hack” of data breaches, foreign-campaign disinformation, and online targeting, who can say that today’s headlines of “DOJ Bombshell” are anything but more of the same CyberWar. Online manipulation, cyberattacks, hacking, disinformation wars resound

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Israel’s Netanyahu Goes to DC

This week’s visit to the US by Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu presents palpable tension. The relationship between the two old politicians, Joe Biden and ‘Bibi’, is a boldface question mark and now come the public scenes. How will House Speaker Mike Johnson act? Donald Trump? The Republican party, Democratic party? Political activists, dissidents, protestors? […]

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Throwing down the gauntlet (or Walking the gauntlet)

How should this week’s G7 meeting in Italy be seen? The messages agreed upon and sent to absent Russia and China are forceful. The war in Ukraine, the war in Gaza-Israel, the rising conflicts with China loom with generational consequences. How should these G7 communiqué-warnings sent by ‘the West’ to ‘the East’ be seen?

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UN Chief Talks of Earth Temperature Trend as a ‘Highway to Hell’

Strategic Demands associate, GreenPolicy360, points at the United Nations with its whole world concerns about climate change and the future. StratDem talks of the need for ‘New Definitions of Security’, local/national/global. Doctors of Science say: Time to monitor vital signs & temperature

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AI, Nimbus, Lavender … News of a New War Machine

Artificial Intelligence as a Tool of War … AI Tracks to Target and Bomb … Since launching war on Gaza last October, Israel has killed more than 34,000 Palestinians and injured over 77,000. Bombing, shelling, missiles, drones have destroyed large sections throughout the narrow enclave and displaced millions who are now facing famine and starvation. […]

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Multiplying Pits ‘n Triggers

‘Modernization’ of U.S. nuclear weapons systems is racing forward, budgets booming, artificial intelligence and gyrations of command & control rolling. Meanwhile in Los Alamos, the ‘birthplace of the Bomb’ and main location of the Academy award-winning film “Oppenheimer”, Bomb-makers are beginning to prep next gen “nuke ’em pits ‘n triggers”

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Democracy Challenged

“Democracy Awakening”, Heather Cox Richardson’s new book, continues to stand out among non-fiction big publishing releases as its message, its history and its contemporary warning, comes into greater focus everyday. Those who support democracy full on are all better for Heather’s blend of news as history in-the-making. The times are changing. Hold on to democracy […]

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Snapshot of Nuclear Arms Race 3.0

Strategic Demands associate, GreenPolicy360, recently posted a ‘snapshot’ look at what the US National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) was revealing in the US budget for next gen nuclear weapons. The public interest group Los Alamos Study Group strongly commented. It’s long overdue to challenge how/what/where/why a ‘Nuclear Arms Race 3.0‘ is accelerating

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Netanyahu Says No to Biden, Middle East Reacts

‘No’ to a ‘Two-State’ solution is Benjamin Netanyahu’s firm position, expressed in increasingly strong language since he entered Israel’s government. Netanyahu’s refusal this week of a negotiated political settlement is not surprising, nor is US President Biden’s ‘hug’ after decades of support for Israel.   A Hug with Reverberations      

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The US, Israel, War & Consequences

The consequences of the Gaza-Israel 2023 war are shockingly deadly… another Mideast war, on-the-ground, air-to-ground, in the courts of public opinion, and now in an international court. The US in alliance with Israel is being tested as Israel’s war grinds on with horrifying ‘collateral damage’. This must change, the war in Gaza must end  

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“Nothing will stop us” — says Benjamin Netanyahu

Reports of 29,000+ bombs and tens of thousands of artillery and tank shells dropped on the Gaza enclave with resulting vast devastation and profound humanitarian crisis… The head of the Israeli military, the nation’s Prime Minister, promises not to stop until ‘victory’ is achieved. But is ‘victory’ attainable?

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October Disaster in the Mideast

(Thread) On 7 October 2023, Palestinian militant groups, mainly Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, with other groups such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, launched a major attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip (Wikipedia | Gaza-Israel conflict) … the multi-year conflict, now as expanding war, is delivering catastrophe and international impact

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More Indictments for ex-President Trump

The story of a former New Yorker and US president continues … Long-time political journalist Susan Glasser, now at The New Yorker, sums up the state of Georgia’s charges — “the Georgia indictment cites the state’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations, or RICO, law against Trump, essentially defining him and his gang of alleged conspirators […]

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Doomsday Machine

Published 2017   Strategic Demands Editor, Steven Schmidt: It is time to recall my memories of Dan Ellsberg of nearly 50 years ago… From a nondescript building in Santa Monica to a house on the beach in Malibu, from a basketball court in Pacific Palisades to a Parade editor’s tennis court on Sunset Boulevard… My […]

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Nuclear Arms Race 3.0

A multi-billion dollar ‘modernization’ of US nuclear weapons delivered an unsurprising ‘next gen’ nuclear arms race. Strategic Demands called this a “Cold War 2.0”. Now, with threats and an announced ‘suspension’ of the New START treaty, the final remaining nuclear weapons agreement is foreclosed. A “Nuclear Arms Race 3.0” commences

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Harrowing, Wrenching – U.S. Intel Agencies Point at Climate Change

Intelligence services agencies of the United States have a warning that’s now crept into officially expressed national security policy. Strategic Demands: “The U.S. security establishment’s far too long delayed admission of the clear and present danger of #ClimateChange is still far from the shift in national and global security policy demanded”  

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International Climate Summit Needs to Demand New Definitions of National Security

As Strategic Demands’ editor reflects on half a century of climate work, beginning with Rep. George E Brown-(D) East LA, key drafter of the first National Climate Act in 1978, the climate science message we advanced decades ago is now, at last, coming into the spotlight. But is it too late?

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On Eve of International Climate Summit, Fossil Fuels Production Soars

Fossil Fuels Production Soars. The headline is Boldface type and briefly Top of the News. We captured the Production Gap Report with a screenshot. Staggering news as the 2021 international climate summit approaches. The fossil fuels Production Gap is a ‘Code Red’ global warning calling for deep, immediate reductions in CO2 emissions #StrategicDemands

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As Is, the U.S. President’s Authority to Order Nuclear Weapons Launch

In the interest of furthering the goal of nuclear era sanity, Strategic Demands is re-posting the recent PolitiFact ‘clarification’ on the singular authority, the legal and practical powers of president Donald Trump to order the launch of nuclear weapons. The president’s state-of-mind was in deep question as he attacked the legality of the 2020 election

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IPCC report: ‘Code red’ for human-driven global heating – Part 1

First of three-part UN Report documenting the impacts of climate change by United Nations’ 6th Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. There is no doubt: “Climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying” – IPCC 6th Report, August 2021. Next release, February 2022; next, March 2022

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History of Earth Science with the Committee on Science, Space & Technology

History can play a critical role informing every generation’s decisions. Accurate, informed knowledge and intelligence can shape front-line decision-makers lives as they deal with everyday challenges. Larger challenges, even existential challenges — and crisis require best available intelligence. To illustrate, let’s look back at the origins of U.S. climate and earth science

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The City of Santa Fe to Become a Center of Nuclear Weapons Production?

Not far from the ‘Birthplace of the Bomb’, the city of Los Alamos in New Mexico, resides the city of Santa Fe named after the ‘Holy Faith’ of St. Francis of Assisi, Catholic patron saint of the environment and life on earth. Now, in an ominous move, Santa Fe could become a world nuclear center

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Now Is the Time to Advance ‘New Definitions of National Security’

Strategic Demands in association with its partner site GreenPolicy360 have advanced a new vision of national security, one that is forward-looking and comprehensive. Join with us to bring “New Definitions of National Security” into security discussion, debate and democratic decision making. Now is a propitious time to act…

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U.S. Military Leaders Say No to Role in Election

“There’s no role for the U.S. military in determining the outcome of a U.S. election.” All 10 living former U.S. defense secretaries issue a warning to Trump over threats to use the military to dispute the election. The president’s loss and denial of his election loss are resulting in a constitutional and potential military crisis

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The Crisis, Climate Security and US Election

“The Climate Crisis Is Still a Crisis”. November 3rd,  a turning point election. With former VP Joe Biden currently leading in the polls and Democratic control of the Senate possible, the US may soon have the chance, for the first time in more than a decade, to enact urgently needed legislation to address global climate […]

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Darkening, Closed Skies, an Opening Conversation

Watching the collapse and observing a retreat into xenophobia… Today a more dangerous world, tomorrow another withdrawal from international engagement and cooperation. National and international security threats multiply — pandemic, economic depression, climate disruption, a new nuclear arms race, weapons proliferation, decades of conflict, migration of refugees in the millions, political chaos

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China – Russia – US – Mutual Existential Threat, Nuclear Weapons 21st Century

At the end of World War II, the Soviet Union and US took a half century facing off and ramping up nuclear weapons. Doomsday war games threatened life on the planet. Dr. Strangelove-types planned to ‘bring it on’. Today, proliferators are back with a vengeance. Time to meet ‘MET’

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The Virus & Politics

Coronavirus politics… between now and the November 3 election in the U.S. the wheels will turn, hundreds of millions, a billion plus, will be spent. Prepare for a daily news cycle of blame game, recriminations, politics of division — political division, national division, international division. Time for attack politics, war room politics

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Debate Existential Risks? Climate. Nukes. Or Neither?

CBS-moderated US Democratic presidential debate ends without one question being asked about the existential Climate Crisis or New Nuclear Arms Race: Questions of existence are not worthy of discussion, it seems, even as a US president denies Climate science and releases huge new nuclear budget featuring nuclear pits ‘n triggers for new ‘usable’ nukes

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Another War? Calculus of War…

The killing of Iran’s general Soleimani is a ‘beheading’. Provocation takes another step forward as the US joins with Iran’s traditional enemy, Saudi Arabia, in carrying out beheadings of opponents as a cultural practice. Swords and falling heads, Religion, politics, oil. This killing with an overhead drone strike in Iraq will have consequences over decades

After Meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu, Trump speaks to The Believers’ Summit

A week beginning with President Joe Biden’s announcement he would not continue his campaign for president ended with a private meeting between Israel’s visiting prime minister and ex-president Donald Trump. Soon after Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu departed, a startling, confusing, ominous Trump statement made national news —   Trump Tells Christians ‘You Won’t Have to Vote Anymore’ […]

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