The next phase of the Gaza-Israel war has come into public view and with it a break between Israel and the US has become more and more evident. The carnage visible is overwhelming in the war, and calls for a ceasefire seem far-off possibilities. What’s next?
The costs of this war, already immense and generational, are now extending far beyond the Middle East… more are beginning to realize that a US-Israel relationship, once thought of as a strategic and political given, is now being questioned on multiple fronts.
The latest statements from Prime Minister Netanyahu carries a warning to the US and to the world. The far-right voices now governing Israel have often called over the years for distancing from the US in order to exert hard-line policies. The ‘we’ll do what we choose to do’ policies are now front page …
How much death and destruction and damage to US strategic interests will the US president accept as he and the US receive harsh public push back from the Prime Minister?
February 7, 2014 / Via The Economist