As Nuclear Weapons Control Collapses

The Russian president sends a warning — the end of the INF and resumption of US tests of intermediate range ground-launched nuclear warheads means gravely higher stakes. When new first strike, ‘usable’ nukes are deployed to countries threatening the Russian Federation, then all bets are off


A New Nuclear Arms Race

This is what it sounds like as nukes ratchet up, click by click, notch by notch

The U.S led plan to deploy preemptive nuclear strike systems near-border with perceived capability to ‘behead’ Russian command-and-control leadership produces an official response, a deeply threatening response


As history is forgotten and nuclear proliferation becomes the order of the day…

As history is forgotten and as fewer remember how European political forces led by those at the front lines of previous Cold War era of MAD retaliation said NO to mutually assured destruction and plethora of near nuclear disasters…

As history is forgotten and nuclear weapons reductions agreements fall one-by-one to the wayside and the potential of diplomacy ends, a new multi-national, “closer to midnight” nuclear arms race accelerates…

As nuclear systems proliferate on high alert with nation-by-nation, fire-on-warning, hair-trigger command-and-control launch protocols, nuclear experts talk again of the risks of failing and inevitable failures of fail safe codes…

Now comes the reckoning, preceded by a deadly serious warning —

Continue in this nuclear direction and risk incineration.