Black Friday, U.S. Climate Study Released


Via GreenPolicy360, Strategic Demands’ associated policy group

Cross-section of featured stories across U.S. media as a 4th National Climate Report is released

U.S. Administration downplays warnings on security horizon



U.S. National Climate Assessment / Summary Findings

U.S. Global Climate Change / 4th National Climate Assessment (PDFs)

U.S National Climate Assessment: A Bleak Report, a Bleak Government Response

Climate Change in the U.S., State of the States, The New Abnormal

E&E News: Not Good, Bad, Very Bad, Soon to be Worse

Via Axios / New climate report warns of increasingly dire risks to U.S.

Via CNN / Climate change will shrink US economy and kill thousands

Via Washington Post / Major Trump administration climate report says damage is ‘intensifying across the country’



Climate Change / Clean Energy Policies Guide


Climate – changes in means and extremes of key climate variables (e.g., temperature and precipitation).

Sea Level Rise – relative sea level rise along the entire U.S. coastline.

Population and Land Use – population change as a function of demographic shifts and migration and associated changes in developed land use driven by these population changes.