Category: Climate Policy

UN Chief Talks of Earth Temperature Trend as a ‘Highway to Hell’

Strategic Demands associate, GreenPolicy360, points at the United Nations with its whole world concerns about climate change and the future. StratDem talks of the need for ‘New Definitions of Security’, local/national/global. Doctors of Science say: Time to monitor vital signs & temperature

Another Global Climate Conference, 27th Version

Will this gathering of nations focus on environmental protection, “new definitions of national security”, planetary awareness we’ve been pushing since the 1970s, an environmental security pursued after an eye-opening ‘Earthrise’, a first ‘Whole Earth’ vision, and a first Earth Day… Questions abound at the 27th global climate conference with thousands of attendees

Harrowing, Wrenching – U.S. Intel Agencies Point at Climate Change

Intelligence services agencies of the United States have a warning that’s now crept into officially expressed national security policy. Strategic Demands: “The U.S. security establishment’s far too long delayed admission of the clear and present danger of #ClimateChange is still far from the shift in national and global security policy demanded”  

International Climate Summit Needs to Demand New Definitions of National Security

As Strategic Demands’ editor reflects on half a century of climate work, beginning with Rep. George E Brown-(D) East LA, key drafter of the first National Climate Act in 1978, the climate science message we advanced decades ago is now, at last, coming into the spotlight. But is it too late?

On Eve of International Climate Summit, Fossil Fuels Production Soars

Fossil Fuels Production Soars. The headline is Boldface type and briefly Top of the News. We captured the Production Gap Report with a screenshot. Staggering news as the 2021 international climate summit approaches. The fossil fuels Production Gap is a ‘Code Red’ global warning calling for deep, immediate reductions in CO2 emissions #StrategicDemands

IPCC report: ‘Code red’ for human-driven global heating – Part 1

First of three-part UN Report documenting the impacts of climate change by United Nations’ 6th Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. There is no doubt: “Climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying” – IPCC 6th Report, August 2021. Next release, February 2022; next, March 2022

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