Today, in one of U.S. President Trump’s 51,282 tweet to his (as of today) 79,517,737 Twitter followers, the president attempted to rescind his acknowledgement yesterday that Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Again claiming the November election was ‘rigged’, the president’s attack on the election is a spectacle of denial and threats
Tag: Climate Change
The Leap Manifesto
Canada steps forward with an climate policy vision. Activists out in front, will the vision become a model for the Canadian government and other countries? It’s much easier to draft a vision statement than it is to turn vision into reality
Catholic Pope goes before the US Congress and UN
Pope Francis speaks at the US Capitol and United Nations. The leader of 1.2 million Catholics presents his thoughts on issues both spiritual and political. High on the list war and peace, social justice, environmental care, migration and family
Blip on the Screen
Blip on the Screen – Doomsday Scenario 3 Minutes to Midnight End of Times|Armageddon|The Apocalypse Is it Time to consider Environmental Security as Integral to National Security? Time to consider risks of next generation nuclear weapons? Deployment… Escalation… Proliferation