President Xi Jinping wrapped up an inaugural ‘world trade’ summit dedicated to his cornerstone diplomatic initiative for Chinese-style globalization with an invitation to world leaders to re-convene in 2019. The Eurasia and beyond infrastructure strategy moves forward with international agreements and system-changing investment
Tag: Eurasia
Turkey, Incirlik, US and Russia
Whether the US remains in Incirlik or not is actually a moot point, since the profound symbolism around what’s unfolding is much more substantial than the Pentagon’s physical presence there. Never before in history has the US been cut off from its own nuclear weapons, which is essentially what’s happened with the no-fly zone […]
Eurasia & New Silk Road
AFP blip on the news screen today. Take notice. The arrival of a China-Iran container-carrier train is a first, inaugerating cross continental railway trade between China and Europe with Iran at the center of the New (old) Silk Road. Billions in development
Gas ‘n Oil, Syria, Russia, Turkey, NATO/EU and US
It is a volatile, dangerous mix. The money, weapons and foreign fighters that have flowed into Syria are part of a bigger story of religion and gas/oil supplies, of pipelines through a secular or new religious Syria… it’s about secular Russia versus Salafi-Wahhabism and the House of Saud and its allies. It’s about petrodollars and […]
Next-Gen Nuclear Weapons Stand Off
Since Strategic Demands inception, we have been focusing on national and global environmental security issues. Nuclear proliferation is among our first-tier concerns and a next generation of nukes will soon make their in-theater presence known with ‘smart’, deployed B61-12 weapons and newly configured F-35 platforms. Ready, set, go
Escalating Geopolitics: Eurasia
Rising tensions between the US and Russia, and the US and China, are producing a gauntlet of consequences. New nuclear arms escalation, oil/gas and energy agreements, new alliances and old rivalries take on added dimension as a “Grand Strategy” in Eurasia gathers force