Will this gathering of nations focus on environmental protection, “new definitions of national security”, planetary awareness we’ve been pushing since the 1970s, an environmental security pursued after an eye-opening ‘Earthrise’, a first ‘Whole Earth’ vision, and a first Earth Day… Questions abound at the 27th global climate conference with thousands of attendees
Category: Earth
The International Space Station Minus Russia
In a move that can be seen as symbolic, as well as adversarial, the Russian Federation announces Roscosmos, its space agency, will be ending its participation in the ISS cooperative space venture. Sometime after 2024, the new Russian space agency director says, will be — ‘the end’
“The first casualty of war is truth”
Oh how the truth is bent, twisted, psyop’d, propagandized, comm killed and botted about. Today, war in Ukraine is displayed with dis- and mis-info, virally blasted out and marketed as war-by-other-means.
Glasgow Climate Summit Concludes with Pledges and Promises, but What About Action?
A mutual existential question and threat remains as the international climate summit, COP26, ends. Some 39,000 registered delegates now return to their some 200 countries. Will nations’ climate actions come close to making the climate changes necessary?
Earth Day, 50th Anniversary
Fifty years on… and still going strong. Your Strategic Demands editor reflects on the road to the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970. Senator Nelson played a key role, Rep. George E. Brown worked behind the scenes, the Vietnam Moratorium with its message to Nixon and tactics of ‘teach-ins’ inspired. The word went out — […]
International Earth Day
The Earth holiday is celebrated on March 20th, the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere
On Earth Day
Cassini… DSCOVR… Galileo… Juno… Lunar Recon Orbiter… Mars Curiosity… Messenger… Rosetta… Voyager… Your editor added a soundtrack to a series of amazing Earth images from remote space missions. Here’s looking at you kid