A Thin Blue Layer separates life on Planet Earth from a planet devoid of life… Focus on this fact of science. A #StrategicDemands Day is a day to consider global & national security, above & beyond. #PlanetCitizens, today is an #EarthDay … #EveryDayIsEarthDay
Category: Thin Blue Layer
International Climate Summit Needs to Demand New Definitions of National Security
As Strategic Demands’ editor reflects on half a century of climate work, beginning with Rep. George E Brown-(D) East LA, key drafter of the first National Climate Act in 1978, the climate science message we advanced decades ago is now, at last, coming into the spotlight. But is it too late?
25th International Climate Conference
COP25 has commenced in Madrid… Conference of the Parties, #COP25… the acronym doesn’t do the global Climate Crisis Conference justice as its goal is security of all nations. The multiplying threats of human-caused disruption and disaster are here. Strategic Demands and associate GreenPolicy360 again deliver the news
Strategic Demands: Looking Back at 2018
At the end of the Gregorian calendar year, it’s traditional to deliver a retrospective. Doing our part, Strategic Demands & associate GreenPolicy360 deliver downward spiraling news. The global community has suffered setbacks on two critical security fronts: nuclear & environmental: Nuclear arms control treaties are being set aside ushering in a new nuclear arms race. […]
Looking to Protect Earth’s “Thin Blue Layer” as the Climate Summit Convenes
StratDem Op/Ed: A momentous time in which we live and time to face a security issue that affects all of the nearly 200 nations assembled in Paris, an issue of issues, the fate of the planet’s environmental security overarching national security for each nation