Tag: Nuclear Issues
Re: the President’s Last Days as Commander-in-Chief
A Nuclear Arsenal and Reflections on a President’s Last Days in Office Obama plans major nuclear policy changes in his final months … Obama administration determined to advance the nuclear reduction agenda. StratDem update: A month ago we wrote that the president’s final days in office should include executive orders addressing nuclear proliferation issues… Now, […]
Advocating Diplomacy
President speaks to the issue of international agreement with Iran — As delivered at American University — August 5, 2015 ◊ Obama: Arguments against Iran deal echo those favoring war in Iraq — Washington (CNN) President Barack Obama, seeking to amplify his campaign to garner congressional support for the Iran nuclear deal, declared Wednesday the decision […]
Editorial Point-of-View from Down Under
Iran nuclear deal a win for non-proliferation …
Deal… Now To Implementation
Diplomacy prevails as a non-proliferation agreement between the P5+1 and Iran is reached. The debate over agreed upon terms commences and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action agreement stands for inspection, even as it is evident the alternative to diplomacy is use of force — and another war that would carry far beyond the Middle East
If a Deal Is — or Is Not — Reached with Iran
The Woodrow Wilson Center, recently chosen as one of the top international think tanks, has followed the Iran nuclear issues closely. Now comes a moment of truth. Policy thinkers discuss contours of a deal, or no deal, and war planners and business interests prepare for consequences
A Day in the Life of a Nuclear Arms Race
As a strategic expert writes of an “unnoticed crisis”, strategic vantage points of those with vision offer clear outlines of nuclear ‘modernization’, escalation, resulting risks, and reduced security over time …. An Unnoticed Crisis: The End of History for Nuclear Arms Control?
“A New Nuclear Arms Race”
Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ “We really are well into the first quarter of a new nuclear arms race,” Garamendi said during the Armed Services Committee hearing. “You will come to realize that over the next 20 to 25 years, we’ll be spending well over a trillion […]
WarTimes: The Pentagon’s New Man?
Two weeks ago, we wrote of the Secretary of Defense and his last substantive decision — to ‘modernize’ the U.S. nuclear force… Now we examine the Pentagon’s next SecDef as he begins his journey to oversee the most powerful military force in history…