So, are the Russians ‘saber-rattling’ or are they prepping to ‘melt’ Kyiv as Mr. Medvedev is threatening? Is Putin planning to push the proverbial button and launch a nuclear war — and face the consequences? Is his bunker prepared?
Category: Drums of War
Another Global Climate Conference, 27th Version
Will this gathering of nations focus on environmental protection, “new definitions of national security”, planetary awareness we’ve been pushing since the 1970s, an environmental security pursued after an eye-opening ‘Earthrise’, a first ‘Whole Earth’ vision, and a first Earth Day… Questions abound at the 27th global climate conference with thousands of attendees
“The first casualty of war is truth”
Oh how the truth is bent, twisted, psyop’d, propagandized, comm killed and botted about. Today, war in Ukraine is displayed with dis- and mis-info, virally blasted out and marketed as war-by-other-means.
Bigger Picture Beyond the Ukraine Conflict
Ukraine reveals an expanded Great Game, a 21st century geostrategy, a GreatGameX. GreatGameX encompasses a greater Eurasian continent. GreatGameX geopolitics confront post WWII U.S. hegemony and recall a 19th/20th century struggle for control of Central and South Asia
Saber Rattling by Russia, Ukraine, NATO and the US
It is ominous when a nation’s citizens are being told to prepare for war and prepare for the use of nuclear weapons. Any use of nukes will become a horrifying, cataclysmic chain event, devastating with lasting consequences. Yet, this is the moment we are now facing
WarTimes – Wk of Oct 13
A week that was… China, Russia, U.S., Iraq, Kurdistan, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, airstrikes, international mobilization, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Europe and U.K., nuclear issues, climate “threat multipliers”, Ebola…
Another War – Syria
“It will take time… there are challenges ahead”… Army Lt. Gen. William C. Mayville Jr., director of operations for the Joint Staff at the Pentagon, says the objectives set for the US-led war in Iraq and now Syria could take years to complete — the pieces on the board are moving in multiple, unpredictable dimensions.
Debate It
The President’s speech — and new U.S. war policy — goes into the history books September 10, 2014. Should this new war be formally debated? Does the Constitution require a Congressional debate, action and distinct resolution? Isn’t it time to revise the 2001 “Authorization for Use of Military Force”, as the National Security Network urges?
September 3, 2014
VP Biden to Islamic State: We will follow you to the gates of hell… Over the past months, Mideast news has headlined “gates of hell” threats — read Maliki and Hamas, commentators in Jerusalem and Fox TV, the warnings and theology evoke ancient times…
American Twilight, Another War
American Twilight: A Memoir of Another War by Steven Schmidt Published by the Green Institute | 2004 Less than a generation ago, the U.S. war department was called “the War Department.” Now the war department is called “the Defense Department” and nuclear warheads are called “Peacemakers”. Ω Today I read neo-conservative Charles Krauthammer approving the […]