Search Results for: steve schmidt

Another Global Climate Conference, 27th Version

Will this gathering of nations focus on environmental protection, “new definitions of national security”, planetary awareness we’ve been pushing since the 1970s, an environmental security pursued after an eye-opening ‘Earthrise’, a first ‘Whole Earth’ vision, and a first Earth Day… Questions abound at the 27th global climate conference with thousands of attendees

Surviving Victory: From the Archive

New Definitions of National & Global Security   The “Surviving Victory” Conference in Washington DC was a founding initiative of Strategic Demands. “Strategic Demands of the 21st Century“, written by Roger Morris and Steven Schmidt, introduced and New Definitions of National & Global Security  Save     Strategic Demands of the 21st Century / […]

A Nuclear Arms Race 3.0

  *   —————————-   2024   War in the Mideast Threatens to Become Regional — and International Reverberations as Images of War and Costs of War Spread       Far from the Middle East, in Los Alamos, New Mexico, an outpost in the desert where ‘the Bomb’ was created a New Generation […]

Doomsday Machine

Published 2017   Strategic Demands Editor, Steven Schmidt: It is time to recall my memories of Dan Ellsberg of nearly 50 years ago… From a nondescript building in Santa Monica to a house on the beach in Malibu, from a basketball court in Pacific Palisades to a Parade editor’s tennis court on Sunset Boulevard… My […]

Lost Turning Point

A proverbial “turning point” came during the 1998-1991 collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1992, your Strategic Demands editor, working in the presidential campaign of Gov. Jerry Brown and developing the campaign’s platform, spoke often of a “peace dividend”. Governor Brown focused the campaign’s foreign policy on peace potential….

StratDem’s Editor

Strategic Demands Editor, Steven Schmidt Strategic Demands was established to develop “New Definitions of National Security”. Our goal is bringing together independent perspectives, to reach out and go beyond conventional thinking, to expand the national and global security debate.   Look at how thin our Atmosphere Is   Origins of The foundations of […]

U.S. Department of Defense – Report on China

Two citizens of the United States respond to the latest U.S. Department of Defense Report to Congress on the “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China”. The editor of Strategic Demands focuses in on a predictable result of U.S. nuclear weapons ‘modernization’ and expansion of capabilities…

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