Take time out from the daily news cycle and read, listen, or watch as Annie Jacobsen brings her nuclear war story and deep research into a deep, dark world of #NuclearWarPlanners, the #EndofTimes, and the #EndGame
Take time out from the daily news cycle and read, listen, or watch as Annie Jacobsen brings her nuclear war story and deep research into a deep, dark world of #NuclearWarPlanners, the #EndofTimes, and the #EndGame
A feature news story by the globally distributed Associated Press (AP) service only begins to touch on a deeper story of nuclear proliferation. Strategic Demands takes a few salient lines from the AP update on US nukes and reminds our readers of what we are now calling a “Nuclear Arms Race 3.0”
Years of failed negotiations between the Russian Federation, NATO, EU and US that led to war in Ukraine has entered a next phase. Not a new phase, but a ‘next phase’. The delivery of F-16 fighter systems delivers a next level of fear and loathing — and more that is not in the open
Strategic Demands and its associate, GreenPolicy360, for many years have advanced new vision and definitions of national security. An escalating threat environment cannot be ignored and new science aims at “tipping points”. On the day after Earth Day, we look again at the risks of national/global catastrophe
Nuclear Disaster Averted The PBS ‘American Experience’ documentary film in 2023 brings into light how the 1969 Vietnam Moratorium peace movement acted to prevent President Richard Nixon’s order to use nuclear weapons.
A multi-billion dollar ‘modernization’ of US nuclear weapons delivered an unsurprising ‘next gen’ nuclear arms race. Strategic Demands called this a “Cold War 2.0”. Now, with threats and an announced ‘suspension’ of the New START treaty, the final remaining nuclear weapons agreement is foreclosed. A “Nuclear Arms Race 3.0” commences
The Doomsday Clock, first unveiled in the late 1940s when atomic scientists who built the first nuclear weapons were having second thoughts, is now closer to a midnight of disaster than ever before. We’ve arrived, humanity has arrived. The clock’s hands of fate display we’re on the brink of paroxysm and unimaginable cataclysm
October 2022 After Six+ Months of War in Ukraine — Conditions Are Going from Bad to Worse StratDem Editor: Some would say it’s “Code Red” as the Russia-Ukraine war escalates on the ground and in strategic war rooms. Six plus months after the February 24, 2022 Russian ‘invasion’ into Ukraine, the war widens […]
“Presidential address on the occasion of signing the treaties on the accession of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to Russia” Following is the full text transcript of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech, published by the Kremlin’s official website. September 30, 2022, The Kremlin, Moscow: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/69465 Citizens of Russia, citizens of […]
Perspective is essential in understanding causes of war — and roads to peace. Strategic Demands strives in our work to see security, and mutual security, with a realistic perspective. Here, Anatol Lieven, brings a “Responsible Statecraft” perspective…
A mutual existential question and threat remains as the international climate summit, COP26, ends. Some 39,000 registered delegates now return to their some 200 countries. Will nations’ climate actions come close to making the climate changes necessary?
As Strategic Demands’ editor reflects on half a century of climate work, beginning with Rep. George E Brown-(D) East LA, key drafter of the first National Climate Act in 1978, the climate science message we advanced decades ago is now, at last, coming into the spotlight. But is it too late?
Two citizens of the United States respond to the latest U.S. Department of Defense Report to Congress on the “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China”. The editor of Strategic Demands focuses in on a predictable result of U.S. nuclear weapons ‘modernization’ and expansion of capabilities…
July 16, 1945 5:29 a.m. “The Gadget” Detonates… https://fas.org/blogs/security/2020/07/75-years-ago-the-trinity-nuclear-test/ On the 75th Anniversary of the ‘Trinity Test’ ♠
Not far from the ‘Birthplace of the Bomb’, the city of Los Alamos in New Mexico, resides the city of Santa Fe named after the ‘Holy Faith’ of St. Francis of Assisi, Catholic patron saint of the environment and life on earth. Now, in an ominous move, Santa Fe could become a world nuclear center
‘Scoop’ / News now being received … an extension of the New START treaty is imminent. If so, this would be a smart move toward a nuclear weapons control architecture. Hopefully, the New START step forward comes to pass and sets the stage for agreements to follow …
“I have built a nuclear — a weapons system that nobody’s ever had in this country before. We have stuff that you haven’t even seen or heard about… what we have is incredible”