So, are the Russians ‘saber-rattling’ or are they prepping to ‘melt’ Kyiv as Mr. Medvedev is threatening? Is Putin planning to push the proverbial button and launch a nuclear war — and face the consequences? Is his bunker prepared?
So, are the Russians ‘saber-rattling’ or are they prepping to ‘melt’ Kyiv as Mr. Medvedev is threatening? Is Putin planning to push the proverbial button and launch a nuclear war — and face the consequences? Is his bunker prepared?
Take time out from the daily news cycle and read, listen, or watch as Annie Jacobsen brings her nuclear war story and deep research into a deep, dark world of #NuclearWarPlanners, the #EndofTimes, and the #EndGame
Acknowledging the seemingly insoluble problem of the Middle East wars, now in a Gaza-Israel incarnation, few believe there are solutions to interminable conflict. The history is one of ‘begats’. After all, it’s ‘Biblical’, right?
GreenPolicy360 & Strategic Demands Snapshot of Reviews the Day After Oppenheimer’s Premiere (with a personal memory of a father’s flight over the Trinity site days after ‘the Bomb’ was first tested by Los Alamos scientists) ♦
Nuclear Disaster Averted The PBS ‘American Experience’ documentary film in 2023 brings into light how the 1969 Vietnam Moratorium peace movement acted to prevent President Richard Nixon’s order to use nuclear weapons.
The Doomsday Clock, first unveiled in the late 1940s when atomic scientists who built the first nuclear weapons were having second thoughts, is now closer to a midnight of disaster than ever before. We’ve arrived, humanity has arrived. The clock’s hands of fate display we’re on the brink of paroxysm and unimaginable cataclysm
October 2022 After Six+ Months of War in Ukraine — Conditions Are Going from Bad to Worse StratDem Editor: Some would say it’s “Code Red” as the Russia-Ukraine war escalates on the ground and in strategic war rooms. Six plus months after the February 24, 2022 Russian ‘invasion’ into Ukraine, the war widens […]
Nuke Science & Nuked News Smoke from burning cities would engulf Earth, causing worldwide crop failures Even a ‘small’ conflict in which two nations unleash nuclear weapons on each other could lead to worldwide famine, new research suggests. Soot from burning cities would encircle the planet and cool it by reflecting sunlight back […]
Burgess Meredith, the actor, in a classic Rod Serling ‘Twilight Zone’ … Henry was in the vault when the Bombs hit …. the story becomes relevant again as Russian media reports bellicose nuclear threats to turn the U.S. into ‘radioactive ash’ … today, a foreboding calculus of nuclear weapons escalates far beyond the Russian-Ukraine war […]
A moment last fall in the Moscow press talked of turning the U.S. into a ash wasteland, the result of Russian nuclear weapons. This carryover from the first Cold War (call it 1.0) has bestowed another level of Mutually Assured Destruction to today’s new Nuclear MAD, a Cold War 2.0 getting hotter day by day…
This is no time for equivocation. The ‘West v East’ war (not “special operation” as Russia calls their invasion of Ukraine) is a tragedy. The Putin decision to invade Ukraine is disastrous — humanly, strategically, morally, politically — and for year to come will be seen for what it is — a preventable disaster
On occasion an academic comes along and cuts thru the jargon to offer clear insight where most experts are running along usual tracks. In the case of explaining Russia’s war against Ukraine, here is an academic who cuts thru the jargon to explain what’s happened to Russia as its president ordered war. If Russia loses, […]
As world media has yet to capture the import of nuclear weapons issues during the Russia-Ukraine standoff, the world media has yet to capture climate-energy issues given the import of Russia’s gas to Europe
Two citizens of the United States respond to the latest U.S. Department of Defense Report to Congress on the “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China”. The editor of Strategic Demands focuses in on a predictable result of U.S. nuclear weapons ‘modernization’ and expansion of capabilities…
Twenty years at war….. This is how it ends…. a tweet from CENTCOM: The last American Soldier leaves Afghanistan Major General Chris Donahue, commander of U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division, boards a C-17 cargo plane at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan
July 26, 2021 Watch the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Chairman, General John Hyten, discuss Defense Technology, High Tech Planning and Spending, Force Coordination, Communication and Battlefield, Full Dimension Superiority
July 16, 1945 5:29 a.m. “The Gadget” Detonates… https://fas.org/blogs/security/2020/07/75-years-ago-the-trinity-nuclear-test/ On the 75th Anniversary of the ‘Trinity Test’ ♠