Category: Existential Threat

Harrowing, Wrenching – U.S. Intel Agencies Point at Climate Change

Intelligence services agencies of the United States have a warning that’s now crept into officially expressed national security policy. Strategic Demands: “The U.S. security establishment’s far too long delayed admission of the clear and present danger of #ClimateChange is still far from the shift in national and global security policy demanded”  

International Climate Summit Needs to Demand New Definitions of National Security

As Strategic Demands’ editor reflects on half a century of climate work, beginning with Rep. George E Brown-(D) East LA, key drafter of the first National Climate Act in 1978, the climate science message we advanced decades ago is now, at last, coming into the spotlight. But is it too late?

Now Is the Time to Advance ‘New Definitions of National Security’

Strategic Demands in association with its partner site GreenPolicy360 have advanced a new vision of national security, one that is forward-looking and comprehensive. Join with us to bring “New Definitions of National Security” into security discussion, debate and democratic decision making. Now is a propitious time to act…

At the US Presidential Candidates Debate

Existential challenge? Climate crisis? Security demand? Eight Minutes + Seven Minutes = 15 Minutes Among Twenty Candidates. “Four hours of air-time over two nights and the first climate question arrives about 90 minutes into the Democratic party presidential debate on both nights. The combined time spent on climate both nights amounted to 15 minutes.”

US Nuclear Posture Review Released

The new Nuclear Posture Review signals a new nuclear arms race. Luck of the draw. “Do you feel lucky?” The question of generational, existential risk takes on new dimension as strategic arms experts ask deadly end game questions. Nuclear tensions are turning to nuclear threats, an international ramp up of nuclear weapons development, ‘usable’ nukes, […]

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