Category: US

Coal Power: Trump

Story of the Day from Strategic Demands’ associate, GreenPolicy360: With the repeal of the Clean Power Plan, the Trump EPA has made it “painfully clear that they are incapable of rising to the challenge and tackling this crisis. They have shown a callous disregard for EPA’s mission, a pattern of climate science denial…”

May in Korea

Tom Nichols Makes His Case. Strategic Demands’ editor responds… Former US Defense chief, William Perry, weighs in… Negotiating horizon? Time to prep? Two months. Negotiating prep to date? No visible prep. Korean Ambassador? No US Ambassador. Nuclear weapons experts? Arms Control team? Questionable at best. Winging it? Admittedly. Other options? War. Nuclear war.  Dead-Hand Disaster.

US Nuclear Posture Review Released

The new Nuclear Posture Review signals a new nuclear arms race. Luck of the draw. “Do you feel lucky?” The question of generational, existential risk takes on new dimension as strategic arms experts ask deadly end game questions. Nuclear tensions are turning to nuclear threats, an international ramp up of nuclear weapons development, ‘usable’ nukes, […]

The Trump Doctrine

As a military band plays Gershwin in the Rose Garden at the White House, the US president walks off stage after announcing he has decided to abandon the international climate agreement. A legacy is established, a message sent to the world, the US under the current president explicitly does not believe in a “global community”

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