Russian nuclear exercise drills held near the border with Ukraine are meant to send a message. The message is sent, a message similar to the US-NATO alliance’s F-35A with new configurations for stealth delivery of nuclear weapons by alliance countries
Search Results for: f-35
Snapshot of Nuclear Arms Race 3.0

Strategic Demands associate, GreenPolicy360, recently posted a ‘snapshot’ look at what the US National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) was revealing in the US budget for next gen nuclear weapons. The public interest group Los Alamos Study Group strongly commented. It’s long overdue to challenge how/what/where/why a ‘Nuclear Arms Race 3.0‘ is accelerating
A Nuclear Arms Race 3.0
* —————————- 2024 War in the Mideast Threatens to Become Regional — and International Reverberations as Images of War and Costs of War Spread Far from the Middle East, in Los Alamos, New Mexico, an outpost in the desert where ‘the Bomb’ was created a New Generation […]
F-16s and NATO, Russia and US

Years of failed negotiations between the Russian Federation, NATO, EU and US that led to war in Ukraine has entered a next phase. Not a new phase, but a ‘next phase’. The delivery of F-16 fighter systems delivers a next level of fear and loathing — and more that is not in the open
Nuclear Arms Race 3.0

A multi-billion dollar ‘modernization’ of US nuclear weapons delivered an unsurprising ‘next gen’ nuclear arms race. Strategic Demands called this a “Cold War 2.0”. Now, with threats and an announced ‘suspension’ of the New START treaty, the final remaining nuclear weapons agreement is foreclosed. A “Nuclear Arms Race 3.0” commences
U.S. National Defense Strategy and Nuclear Posture Review

Look carefully as the U.S. is declaring what, when, why, where and how the use of Nuclear Weapons is authorized to take place in the new National Defense Strategy and Nuclear Posture. More than anything else focus on how many uses of nukes are authorized as a ‘first use’ of nukes is approved
Nuclear Drills Today

The Russia-Ukraine Crisis… February 19, 2022… ‘Ratcheting Up’, tactical nukes in the field… Nuclear ‘Drills’ as Russian Forces Run ‘Firing Exercises’
Eurasian Thoughts and China-EU Summit

China expansion, U.S. containment… Continuing the Strategic Demands’ Eurasia series, a few crucial ‘Great Game’ thoughts with Pepe Escobar via Asia Times. Moving pieces on an extremely complex – and dangerous – geopolitical chessboard
CyberSecurity or CyberWarfare?

The fantastical in Hollywood movies is a given as Marvel, DC Comics, Disney, MGM, Universal, Sony fight it out on the sci-fi battlefronts. The Terminator franchise with its Skynet neural-net future ushered in a dystopian future not far from today’s realities… full-spectrum dominance, right?
Tariffs + Sanctions

Strategic policy and strategic ramifications, short-, mid-, and long-term. China warns U.S. to withdraw sanctions or ‘bear the consequences’
Renewed Nuclear Arms Race

This is what ratcheting up looks like. This time ratcheting is three-sided. China’s in the nuclear game and the new nuclear arms race extends from cruise missiles with ‘usable’ nuclear warheads to hypersonic nuclear re-entry vehicles. The US, Russia and China — and alliance partners — are racing, each pushing the other, toward strategic disaster
Weapons Deals & Words of Warning

Vice Admiral Joe Rixey, chief of Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency: It is “the largest single arms deal in American history.” House of Saud celebrates: Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman describes the weapons deal as a “turning point”
To Ban or Not to Ban Nuclear Weapons

October 27, 2016 — The United Nations today adopted a landmark resolution to launch negotiations in 2017 on a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons. This historic decision heralds an end to two decades of paralysis in multilateral nuclear disarmament efforts.
A Cold War 2.0
‘On Nuclear Weapons’… ‘The U.S. is now spending annually, in constant dollars, more than three times what the US did for comparable activities during the Cold War.’ (2022/LASG) 2024 WASHINGTON – MARCH 11, 2024 The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) released its portion of President Biden’s Fiscal Year […]
Nuclear Brink / End of Times

Last week we wrote of President Obama and his National Security counsel as they prepared to leave office and leave behind the power of the White House to shape security policy. This week we continue on the theme of the president’s legacy and strategic nuclear risks by again considering My Journey at the Nuclear Brink […]
A New Nuclear Arsenal and Reflections on a President’s Last Days in Office

A decade ago your editor organized a policy conference in Washington DC with a group of national security experts that ranged from a former NSC senior staffer (and Kissinger aide who resigned in protest of the Cambodia invasion) Roger Morris to current National Security Advisor Susan Rice. The 2006 conference was inauspiciously called “Surviving Victory”
Stewards of the Apocalypse
U.S. nuclear national laboratories at Los Alamos and Sandia in New Mexico are the world’s foremost facilities for the production of mass destruction and death… Over the past 60 years, our country has spent over $7 trillion to generate 70,000 nuclear warheads at an average cost of about $100 million apiece… 10,400 such weapons […]