Category: New Definitions of National Security

China – Russia – US – Mutual Existential Threat, Nuclear Weapons 21st Century

At the end of World War II, the Soviet Union and US took a half century facing off and ramping up nuclear weapons. Doomsday war games threatened life on the planet. Dr. Strangelove-types planned to ‘bring it on’. Today, proliferators are back with a vengeance. Time to meet ‘MET’

Debate Existential Risks? Climate. Nukes. Or Neither?

CBS-moderated US Democratic presidential debate ends without one question being asked about the existential Climate Crisis or New Nuclear Arms Race: Questions of existence are not worthy of discussion, it seems, even as a US president denies Climate science and releases huge new nuclear budget featuring nuclear pits ‘n triggers for new ‘usable’ nukes

At the US Presidential Candidates Debate

Existential challenge? Climate crisis? Security demand? Eight Minutes + Seven Minutes = 15 Minutes Among Twenty Candidates. “Four hours of air-time over two nights and the first climate question arrives about 90 minutes into the Democratic party presidential debate on both nights. The combined time spent on climate both nights amounted to 15 minutes.”

Coal Power: Trump

Story of the Day from Strategic Demands’ associate, GreenPolicy360: With the repeal of the Clean Power Plan, the Trump EPA has made it “painfully clear that they are incapable of rising to the challenge and tackling this crisis. They have shown a callous disregard for EPA’s mission, a pattern of climate science denial…”

Regional Nuclear Conflict will deliver, science says, Global Nuclear Catastrophe

“If negotiations fail, it would be time to end the nuclear threat from North Korea – one way or the other” — U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham – 28 Feb 2019 … As nuclear negotiations between President Trump and N. Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un conclude with a walk without agreement, questions follow. What’s next?

Dems Re-Intro Bill to Prevent Nuclear First Use

Another legislative attempt to bring sanity into nuclear weapons policy. Being ‘on the brink’ of disaster is not rational policy. A new nuclear arms race is accelerating. Threats and chaos dominate U.S. foreign policy. Risks are multiplying and strategic opportunities lost in clicks of daily crisis. It is time to change course …  

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