Search Results for: nuclear hair trigger

A Nuclear Arms Race 3.0

  *   —————————-   2024   War in the Mideast Threatens to Become Regional — and International Reverberations as Images of War and Costs of War Spread       Far from the Middle East, in Los Alamos, New Mexico, an outpost in the desert where ‘the Bomb’ was created a New Generation […]

Dems Re-Intro Bill to Prevent Nuclear First Use

Another legislative attempt to bring sanity into nuclear weapons policy. Being ‘on the brink’ of disaster is not rational policy. A new nuclear arms race is accelerating. Threats and chaos dominate U.S. foreign policy. Risks are multiplying and strategic opportunities lost in clicks of daily crisis. It is time to change course …  

Thermonuclear? North Korea Sends a Message

We’ll see … President Trump says “we’ll see” whether he’ll order strikes on North Korea in response to its nuclear test… a barrage of news stories on a Sunday morning does nothing to address the question of the hour… One person has #hairtrigger power to order US forces to attack North Korea, potentially initiating nuclear war […]

A New Nuclear Arsenal and Reflections on a President’s Last Days in Office

A decade ago your editor organized a policy conference in Washington DC with a group of national security experts that ranged from a former NSC senior staffer (and Kissinger aide who resigned in protest of the Cambodia invasion) Roger Morris to current National Security Advisor Susan Rice. The 2006 conference was inauspiciously called “Surviving Victory”

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