The “button” can morph into a perverse temptation for an unstable leader. In 1974, during his impeachment proceedings, President Richard M. Nixon said to reporters: “I can go into my office and pick up the telephone, and in 25 minutes, 70 million people will be dead.”
Search Results for: nuclear hair trigger
Nuclear War, A Scenario
Take time out from the daily news cycle and read, listen, or watch as Annie Jacobsen brings her nuclear war story and deep research into a deep, dark world of #NuclearWarPlanners, the #EndofTimes, and the #EndGame
A Nuclear Arms Race 3.0
* —————————- 2024 War in the Mideast Threatens to Become Regional — and International Reverberations as Images of War and Costs of War Spread Far from the Middle East, in Los Alamos, New Mexico, an outpost in the desert where ‘the Bomb’ was created a New Generation […]
U.S. National Defense Strategy and Nuclear Posture Review
Look carefully as the U.S. is declaring what, when, why, where and how the use of Nuclear Weapons is authorized to take place in the new National Defense Strategy and Nuclear Posture. More than anything else focus on how many uses of nukes are authorized as a ‘first use’ of nukes is approved
Nuclear Threats and Responses
As the war in Ukraine grinds on and new weapon systems are escalating the fighting, a war of words, threats, and responses are delivering new levels of risks, collapsing arms control agreements, and calls for a negotiated wars end. Will the 2022 Russia-Ukraine war continue to expand, and expand…
ICBMs ‘Hair-trigger’ Launch on Warning Era Must End
As readers of Strategic Demands may recall, your editor as a younger man was close to Dan Ellsberg during his Rand research days in Santa Monica. Dan’s role with the “Pentagon Papers” was historic, but few know of Dan Ellsberg’s role as a U.S. nuclear war planner…
As Nuclear Weapons Control Collapses
The Russian president sends a warning — the end of the INF and resumption of US tests of intermediate range ground-launched nuclear warheads means gravely higher stakes. When new first strike, ‘usable’ nukes are deployed to countries threatening the Russian Federation, then all bets are off
Carnegie Nuclear Policy Conference
As the international nuclear arms control architecture collapses, the progenitors of nuclear weapons control meet up at their annual DC confab to talk of strategic issues and academically shake their heads witnessing a descent toward a nuclear precipice … Nukes in the new era of proliferation … The 2019 Carnegie Nuclear Policy Conference
Dems Re-Intro Bill to Prevent Nuclear First Use
Another legislative attempt to bring sanity into nuclear weapons policy. Being ‘on the brink’ of disaster is not rational policy. A new nuclear arms race is accelerating. Threats and chaos dominate U.S. foreign policy. Risks are multiplying and strategic opportunities lost in clicks of daily crisis. It is time to change course …
Nuclear Ratcheting II
March 1st : Russian president Putin addresses the nation. Accompanied by large screen animated demonstrations, he talks of a new generation of nuclear weapons. In the US, strategic experts question the weapons. Others begin debating the rising danger of a nuclear arms race. The US president reacts, angrily tweeting before dawn
A Nuclear Meme
The US Nuclear Arsenal What is it there for, if it can’t be used? – The U.S. President
Thermonuclear? North Korea Sends a Message
We’ll see … President Trump says “we’ll see” whether he’ll order strikes on North Korea in response to its nuclear test… a barrage of news stories on a Sunday morning does nothing to address the question of the hour… One person has #hairtrigger power to order US forces to attack North Korea, potentially initiating nuclear war […]
Singular Authority to Launch Nuclear Weapons
The U.S. nuclear arsenal should not be under the control of one person. No decision of one person should be able to initiate nuclear weapons conflict and potentially a humanity-ending nuclear war. Humanity is at a precipice, we need to draw back from the brink of disaster
Nuclear Brink / End of Times
Last week we wrote of President Obama and his National Security counsel as they prepared to leave office and leave behind the power of the White House to shape security policy. This week we continue on the theme of the president’s legacy and strategic nuclear risks by again considering My Journey at the Nuclear Brink […]
A New Nuclear Arsenal and Reflections on a President’s Last Days in Office
A decade ago your editor organized a policy conference in Washington DC with a group of national security experts that ranged from a former NSC senior staffer (and Kissinger aide who resigned in protest of the Cambodia invasion) Roger Morris to current National Security Advisor Susan Rice. The 2006 conference was inauspiciously called “Surviving Victory”
A Day in the Life of a Nuclear Arms Race
As a strategic expert writes of an “unnoticed crisis”, strategic vantage points of those with vision offer clear outlines of nuclear ‘modernization’, escalation, resulting risks, and reduced security over time …. An Unnoticed Crisis: The End of History for Nuclear Arms Control?
“HairTrigger” Risks — Non-Proliferation Review Conference
Nuclear weapons of the US and adversaries remain on “high alert”. The Union of Concerned Scientist address the risks, as the United Nations Non-Proliferation Review Conference concludes in disarray…