Category: Costs of War

The Wars Come Home

The costs of decades of war are rarely considered in full dimension. These costs are brought home by every soldier, hundreds of thousands diagnosed with post traumatic syndrome, the grievously wounded, the angry and the bitter… then there’s the war brought home, the ‘stuff of war’ we can now begin to see on the streets

Regional Nuclear Conflict will deliver, science says, Global Nuclear Catastrophe

“If negotiations fail, it would be time to end the nuclear threat from North Korea – one way or the other” — U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham – 28 Feb 2019 … As nuclear negotiations between President Trump and N. Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un conclude with a walk without agreement, questions follow. What’s next?

American Twilight, Another War

American Twilight: A Memoir of Another War by Steven Schmidt Published by the Green Institute | 2004 Less than a generation ago, the U.S. war department was called “the War Department.” Now the war department is called “the Defense Department” and nuclear warheads are called “Peacemakers”. Ω Today I read neo-conservative Charles Krauthammer approving the […]

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