Category: Hair-Trigger Alert

Nuclear Threat Ratcheting Up — Hot Spot Ukraine War Flashpoint

October 2022 After Six+ Months of War in Ukraine — Conditions Are Going from Bad to Worse     StratDem Editor: Some would say it’s “Code Red” as the Russia-Ukraine war escalates on the ground and in strategic war rooms. Six plus months after the February 24, 2022 Russian ‘invasion’ into Ukraine, the war widens […]

Flashback to ‘Time Enough at Last’

Burgess Meredith, the actor, in a classic Rod Serling ‘Twilight Zone’ … Henry was in the vault when the Bombs hit …. the story becomes relevant again as Russian media reports bellicose nuclear threats to turn the U.S. into ‘radioactive ash’ … today, a foreboding calculus of nuclear weapons escalates far beyond the Russian-Ukraine war […]

Dems Re-Intro Bill to Prevent Nuclear First Use

Another legislative attempt to bring sanity into nuclear weapons policy. Being ‘on the brink’ of disaster is not rational policy. A new nuclear arms race is accelerating. Threats and chaos dominate U.S. foreign policy. Risks are multiplying and strategic opportunities lost in clicks of daily crisis. It is time to change course …  

US Nuclear Posture Review Released

The new Nuclear Posture Review signals a new nuclear arms race. Luck of the draw. “Do you feel lucky?” The question of generational, existential risk takes on new dimension as strategic arms experts ask deadly end game questions. Nuclear tensions are turning to nuclear threats, an international ramp up of nuclear weapons development, ‘usable’ nukes, […]

Shifting National Security Terrain

Steve Bannon out as US presidential adviser. The Bannon agenda returns to Breitbart news with a Bannon message that he intends to ‘go to war‘. The ‘McMaster era’ begins as the national security adviser formerly at odds with Bannon reports to an unpredictable president. Will more ‘globalist’ extension, troops and conflicts across hemispheres result

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