As the war in Ukraine moves into a tenth year of conflict and over a thousand days of a war Russia calls a ‘special operation’, the escalating war’s reality pushes new nuclear strategies and, as a new U.S. president comes on stage, Strategic Demands recalls a man who speaks of how we got here…
Category: Hair-Trigger Alert
Is Russia ‘Bluffing’ — or About to Push the World Over a Cliff
So, are the Russians ‘saber-rattling’ or are they prepping to ‘melt’ Kyiv as Mr. Medvedev is threatening? Is Putin planning to push the proverbial button and launch a nuclear war — and face the consequences? Is his bunker prepared?
Nuclear War, A Scenario
Take time out from the daily news cycle and read, listen, or watch as Annie Jacobsen brings her nuclear war story and deep research into a deep, dark world of #NuclearWarPlanners, the #EndofTimes, and the #EndGame
An Associated Press Story of US Nuclear Modernization
A feature news story by the globally distributed Associated Press (AP) service only begins to touch on a deeper story of nuclear proliferation. Strategic Demands takes a few salient lines from the AP update on US nukes and reminds our readers of what we are now calling a “Nuclear Arms Race 3.0”
F-16s and NATO, Russia and US
Years of failed negotiations between the Russian Federation, NATO, EU and US that led to war in Ukraine has entered a next phase. Not a new phase, but a ‘next phase’. The delivery of F-16 fighter systems delivers a next level of fear and loathing — and more that is not in the open
A Nuclear Ticking Clock
The Doomsday Clock, first unveiled in the late 1940s when atomic scientists who built the first nuclear weapons were having second thoughts, is now closer to a midnight of disaster than ever before. We’ve arrived, humanity has arrived. The clock’s hands of fate display we’re on the brink of paroxysm and unimaginable cataclysm
Nuclear Threat Ratcheting Up — Hot Spot Ukraine War Flashpoint
October 2022 After Six+ Months of War in Ukraine — Conditions Are Going from Bad to Worse StratDem Editor: Some would say it’s “Code Red” as the Russia-Ukraine war escalates on the ground and in strategic war rooms. Six plus months after the February 24, 2022 Russian ‘invasion’ into Ukraine, the war widens […]
Flashback to ‘Time Enough at Last’
Burgess Meredith, the actor, in a classic Rod Serling ‘Twilight Zone’ … Henry was in the vault when the Bombs hit …. the story becomes relevant again as Russian media reports bellicose nuclear threats to turn the U.S. into ‘radioactive ash’ … today, a foreboding calculus of nuclear weapons escalates far beyond the Russian-Ukraine war […]
Quotes: Rattling & Ratcheting Nukes
A moment last fall in the Moscow press talked of turning the U.S. into a ash wasteland, the result of Russian nuclear weapons. This carryover from the first Cold War (call it 1.0) has bestowed another level of Mutually Assured Destruction to today’s new Nuclear MAD, a Cold War 2.0 getting hotter day by day…
“As Easy as Ordering a Pizza”
Stewards of the Apocalypse ♠
The Day After the Debate
What a spectacle, what a veritable disaster last night’s U.S. presidential ‘debate’ turned out to be. Not unpredictably, but perhaps worse than most anyone had predicted, the Biden-Trump ninety minutes on-stage became a televised verbal brawl. Last night was frightening to witness
U.S. President and a ‘secret’ nuclear weapons system
“I have built a nuclear — a weapons system that nobody’s ever had in this country before. We have stuff that you haven’t even seen or heard about… what we have is incredible”
U.S. China ‘Spats’ Rattle the World
(Associated Press – July 28, 2020) — Antagonisms between the United States and China are rattling governments around the world, prompting a German official to warn of “Cold War 2.0”
Back to the Brink, Nuclear Catastrophe
As nuclear treaty after nuclear treaty bites the dust, today, February 1st, 2019, the U.S. announces its intent to withdraw from the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty. Nuclear arms control is immeasurably damaged. A new nuclear arms race is heralded, a global breakout characterized by many as “insanity”.
Dems Re-Intro Bill to Prevent Nuclear First Use
Another legislative attempt to bring sanity into nuclear weapons policy. Being ‘on the brink’ of disaster is not rational policy. A new nuclear arms race is accelerating. Threats and chaos dominate U.S. foreign policy. Risks are multiplying and strategic opportunities lost in clicks of daily crisis. It is time to change course …
US Nuclear Posture Review Released
The new Nuclear Posture Review signals a new nuclear arms race. Luck of the draw. “Do you feel lucky?” The question of generational, existential risk takes on new dimension as strategic arms experts ask deadly end game questions. Nuclear tensions are turning to nuclear threats, an international ramp up of nuclear weapons development, ‘usable’ nukes, […]
A Nuclear Meme
The US Nuclear Arsenal What is it there for, if it can’t be used? – The U.S. President